No Name Group Format

Thursday @ 8 p.m.

Admin Resources


Hello, I’m an addict, and my name is ___________.

Welcome to the Thursday night No Name Group group meeting of Narcotics Anonymous.

This is an open meeting, so friends and family are welcome to attend.

If you need a signature, please message the chair and the chair will connect you with our Area's signature liason.

Can we open this meeting with a moment of silence for the addict who still suffers, followed by the WE version of the Serenity Prayer.

[serenity prayer] "God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference."

The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting. Is there anyone in their first 30 days of recovery?

Is there anyone from out of town?

If you’ve used today, please listen to what is being said and talk to someone after the meeting. It costs nothing to belong to this fellowship; you are a member when you say you are.

Could someone please read:

Thank you, everyone, for reading.

Before we begin, does anyone have a burning desire; something you must get off your chest?

The meeting is now open for sharing on the daily meditation or anything related to staying clean.


Our seventh tradition states that every NA group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. The money collected goes to pay rent and literature the rest is passed on through the NA service structure to help further carry the message of recovery. Donations can be made on the Uncoast website or by using the QR code below. The donation is done with PayPal and will go directly to the Uncoast Area.

Area Donate QR Code

Can someone please do key tags?

Can someone please read We Do Recover?

Do we have any NA-related announcements?

Suggestions for the newcomers are to

The 12th Tradition states that Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

For those who care to, please join us in the We version of the Third Step Prayer.

[prayer] Many of us have said, "Take our will and our lives, guide us in our recovery, and show us how to live."